BRASS TACKS EVENTS: For those that are unfamiliar, define boudoir photography.
TIFFANY TAGLE: “Boudoir” is a French word for a woman's private dressing room or bedroom. Boudoir photography captures women in a sexy and classy style for their significant other or themselves. Many people have the misconception that these types of photos are only for young women or women who are smaller in size, but most of my clients are "normal" women. These gorgeous photos are perfect for the groom's gift, anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Day, soldiers overseas, weight loss, maternity, etc.

BTE: How many years of experience do you have as a photographer?
TT: Too many to admit (she laughs). Actually, I have been studying photography since I was about twelve years old and love it!

BTE: How long have you been shooting boudoir photos?
TT: I started shooting Boudoir in 2009 and have never looked back!
BTE: What would you tell the women who say, “I could never do that!"
TT: Well, first of all, every single client has said that! …which I think is so cute because they all say, "I could never look like that one girl on your website," but little do they know a few months before, the girl they are talking about said the exact same thing. So, I tell her "Obviously your honey thinks you are a sexy little number, or he wouldn't be with you, right? You don't have to be a Victoria’s Secret model. My gorgeous clients are all 'everyday' women, so you can do it!"
BTE: How long are the boudoir sessions?
TT: The sessions are 1 to 2 hours, depending on what package you choose.

BTE: Do you provide wardrobe or props?
TT: No, I think every woman has their own sexy style and likes to show that side of herself. They also get so excited to show me what they bought for the session. I would never come between a girl and her lingerie shopping spree! Props work the same way - they are specific to each girl and her honey. I tell my clients to bring something that is significant to their relationship. So, they may bring his work shirt, a football, his favorite jersey, his cowboy hat, his tie, the stuffed animal he gave her on their first date or even his motorcycle.

BTE: What sort of wardrobe options would you recommend?
TT: Wear what fits your personality. If you go splurge on lingerie you would normally not wear and aren't comfortable in, it will show in the photos. Trust me. Your outfits can be fuzzy pajamas, a cute bra and panty set, corset with garters, fishnet stockings, a babydoll teddy, boyshorts, tanktops, your honey's shirt or just his tie. I always say, bring it all and I can help you decide if you like.

BTE: Where do the sessions take place? Your studio? A hotel? At the women’s homes?
TT: All of the above. Wherever she feels most comfortable.
BTE: Can she bring a friend to the session with her for support and encouragement?
TT: She can, however, I wouldn't really recommend it. They aren't trying to be, but they can be a distraction.

BTE: Will you "photoshop" the little flaws?
TT: Yes, I specialize in flaws, small and large. My consultations include going through my retouched before and after photos.
BTE: Do you have books or samples that your clients can view for inspiration or ideas for poses?
TT: Yes

BTE: Do you shoot men too?
TT: I do, I am working on getting a male to shoot as an example. Stay tuned.
BTE: Would you shoot romantic photos of a man and woman together?
TT: Yes. …and we would talk through the specifics at my consultation.

BTE: Do you bring in special lighting equipment?
TT: Yes. If we are shooting anywhere other than my studio, I will bring everything needed to capture my signature look.

BTE: Do you provide hair and makeup?
TT: Yes. It comes with a couple packages or can be added on to the others. I have an amazing style team. Elizabeth is my hairstylist. She has been with me since the beginning and I'm lucky to have her. Every photo you see on my website or Facebook is her work. She works will all types of hair and will even work in extensions, if you have them. I also have three amazing makeup artists I have worked with for years.
BTE: Who retains the rights to the photos?
TT: Technically, I own all the rights to the photos. Having said that, I have and will always completely respect the decision of my clients to publish or not publish their photos. The women on my website, Facebook, blog, etc. have all given me permission to use their images.
BTE: Have you ever posed for a boudoir session?
TT: (She laughs) Ummmm, maybe! Okay, yes, I have. Just two weeks ago actually. I was telling my best friend that I was losing weight to do a session myself and then I thought...what a hypocrite! I am constantly telling women they are gorgeous the way they are and they don't have to be models and then I won't take mine until I am thin. So I decide to take them and be proud of them no matter what my size is! It was awesome, hilarious and I am so happy I did it. I can't wait to do it again. It's so funny, I hear my clients tell me all the time how their husbands look at their book of photos everyday and now my husband does too.

BTE: Tell me a story about a shy bride that really came out of her shell and surprised you.
TT: I had a client who asked me every question you just did and more! Seriously, she was so nervous. She brought a friend and a small bottle of champagne. While she was getting her hair and make-up done she was barely talking and sipping her champagne. I felt so bad because I could see how anxious she was. We started the photo shoot and then she stopped and asked if I had any liquor. I only had Crown Royal, of all things, and she didn't even flinch. She threw back a shot and said, “I’m ready!” We continued to shoot and she loosened up and we had a great session. Towards the end of our shoot she mentioned that this would be the first time her fiancé would ever see her like this. I asked what she meant and she told me they were saving themselves for the wedding night. I knew then why she had been so nervous. I was humbled and excited to be part of this very important stage of their lives. I'm proud of the art I create for my clients and when I hear their stories, it puts in perspective what these photos mean to their relationship. I am blessed to have the resources and creativity to provide these very special gifts to my clients and I can't imagine doing anything else.
For more information, visit Tiffany's website:
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